

  • SEPT.29,2016

Screening of your child's dental health should be done before the age of seven, or even earlier. It helps diagnose any visible problems and concerns. Taken care of early, many dental and dental cosmetic-related concerns can be corrected in time. Some problems may be more difficult to correct at a later age after the permanent teeth come out.

Children are otherwise, very shy about the look of their smile, especially if they have cracked, chipped, or underdeveloped teeth. INTEGRAL WELLNESS CLINIC provides cosmetic dental care options for children to help restore the integrity of their teeth and improve their smiles to build their self-confidence.

Based on your child's needs, there are a variety of dental procedures that INTEGRAL WELLNESS CLINIC may recommend.

Types of Cosmetic Dental Procedures for children offered at INTEGRAL WELLNESS CLINIC:

- Fillings
Composite fillings, also known as white fillings, are one of the most basic forms used to restore decay. After tooth decay is cleaned and removed, fillings are applied to the tooth in layers. The dentist will shape and polish the surface to match the color of the tooth.

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