Slimming Program

A well-rounded physical fitness routine is a key component to living a healthy lifestyle

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A well-rounded physical fitness routine is a key component to living a healthy lifestyle

Despite our ever-increasing knowledge of the health risks of obesity, people are getting obese. Many people wish to reduce weight for a variety of reasons, including enhancing their look, feeling better with their body, and improving their health. The desire to improve one's perceived attractiveness and self-esteem is frequently a main motivation for weight loss. Integrated Wellness values your desire and will give you the star shape you craved for a long time.

Integrated Wellnesscan turn your dream into reality with these amazing and effective medicated facials which will give you radiant and beautiful skin in no time!

Our Services

Here are some of the valuable services we provide as part of our slimming program



Body contouring, or body sculpting, is a medical procedure that aims to reshape an area of the body. It may involve procedures to: Get rid of extra skin, eliminate excess fat and reshape or contour the area where weight loss isn't effective.



Get fit to face the world, we typically neglect to work out on the very important muscles people see the most — our faces. Just like the rest of your body, more than 57 muscles in your face and neck require exercise to stay toned and fit.



THE ULTIMATE PLAN TO SCORE FLATTER STOMACH! Although fat can be found in almost any part of your body but the kind that attaches itself to your middle can be the toughest to shed.



If toned and sculpted arms are what you’re looking for’ looking for stronger, more defined arms — the type of arms you can show off? Then you are not alone. If you've decided that it's time to learn how to lose arm fat, use this guide as your go-to resource.



You can’t spot-reduce, but you can do other things. If you've ever wondered specifically how to reduce fat or weight in the thighs or legs, you can get started from here.


New technology and research are making it easier than ever to lose body fat. Find out how these advancements stack up against exercise and a healthy diet. And while we are huge proponents of a healthy diet and exercise routine, it's also kind of fascinating to look at the fat-loss shortcuts that researchers are discovering, testing, and (trying) to market. (Can you think of anything easier than snacking to lose weight? Look into our exclusively advanced HIFU technique for fat reduction without any surgical invasion or long term excercises.

Target Audience

The most successful marketers of diet products will recognize that their target audience associates weight loss with feelings of frustration, guilt, failure, loss of control, laziness and inadequacy. The journey is likely to involve challenging our eating habits and self-acceptance. It requires being honest about and challenging entrenched behavior, say experts.

Our Pricing Packages

Both men and women struggle with hormonal and age-related skin issues such as acne, wrinkles, spots, and an uneven complexion.

Full Face








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"The key to success is staying on target"

Best service, Right time, Right people.

Always at your service from Monday to Sunday
10 am to 7:30 pm

Why to choose integrated Wellness?

  • Our services makes difference
  • Customer's satisfaction is above all
  • we use Safe & Secure Technologies
  • Understand your problems and treat accordingly
  • Pocket Friendly services
  • Regain youthful appearance.

What Our Clients Say

View our Customer feedback from their trip to our Spa.

I had also previously suffered from OBESITY -First they have identified the problem, addressed it during training, and now I feel so much better. I now fully understand what foods I need and what foods to avoid, including the less obvious choices.

Nisha Singh

“I can’t believe the results even after only 1 treatment! I’m excited for when I finish! “

Kristen Dsouza

Best SLIMMING PROGRAM, I HAVE COME ACROSS!!!I would highly recommend this to anyone who is looking to improve their health, fitness and life." I feel more confident now.I cannot imagine a time where I no longer attend these sessions as they have changed my attitude towards food and exercise and above all, how I feel about myself."

Visal Jaiswal

I decided to go to SILIMMING PROGRAM as I really wanted to tone up and lose body fat in the run up to summer. My diet wasn't good, I loved my food and my carbs and didn't see any alternative to this. I occasionally went to the gym, but I lacked consistency, and when I did go, I didn't know what to do half the time. I could see the advantages within the first few weeks.

Shreya Jain


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Most of our programs are very well defined in the IDEAL FOR column that we have. If you still are struggling to find the ideal program, you can simply WhatsApp our counselors on 8377002020.
In any health care program, anywhere in the world there will not be any guarantee. We promise that if you are dedicated, RESULTS will follow.
You can refer to our ULTIMATE PLAN TO SCORE FLATTER STOMACH, it will help you to achieve your desired figure.

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A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart.

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