A program for : Saloon, Parlour, Spa, Boutique, Banquet, Farmhouse, Club Owners

Empower your Network


Integrated Wellness

IW simplifies your life, so you as partner can focus on delighting their leads, and growing their businesses.

Become a Partner
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What Exactly Is IW Partner Program?

IW Partner program is gift for all those individuals who want to make additional income easily and quickly. Under this scheme, interested partner can earn money by prompting IW Services to their customer.

Process is simple..

  1. Join the program
  2. Promote IW services
  3. Find offers for your clients
  4. Generate traffic and sales
  5. Earn revenue

Plan Details

Bronze Partner

1-3 Referrals

5 % Commission Per Lead billing upto ₹ 10,000/-

Silver Partner

4-9 Referrals

8 % Commission Per Lead billing upto ₹ 50,000/-

Gold Partner

10-20 Referrals

10% Commission Per Lead billing upto ₹ 1,00,000/-


21+ Referrals

15% Commission Per Lead billing upto ₹ 2,00,000/-

Note : Partner commissions are calculated quarterly / 90 days and processed for payment within 15 days. 2 times a month.


If you are a legitimate business with a saloon, studio or Clinic and wish to apply to become a partner, please fill out this Form Here ( link form ) Our onboarding team will review your application and reach out to you.
To become a partner, complete the Form Here ( link form ) Please include as much detail as possible before submitting. Our onboarding team will review your application and reach out to you.
No, on approval each Partner must sign a partnership form in order to officially join the Partnership Program. Also, you’re details will get registered on the website to make as our renowned official partner.
No, IW does not levy a membership charge on its partners.
Organizations that have previously sold or are currently selling technology products, preferably in the cloud space, and understand the economics of selling and marketing cloud products, should have knowledge about the market so it helps the partner to integrate the software to their businesses are best suited to become Shrivra Partners.
We offer three kinds of partnerships—reseller, direct selling and affiliate partnership. In referral partnership, partner provides references of client that require the services. Next, in direct selling here partner directly approaches to the client and sell out the services.
There are 2 tiers in the partnership program Referral partner Direct selling partner.
Partners can advance from one tier to another based on performance with respect to sales, marketing, and other initiatives.
Partner commissions are calculated quarterly / 90 days and processed for payment within 15 days. 2 times a month.
In case you have any questions about partner commissions, please write to partner@integratedwellness.in
No, you are not required to sign up separately for each city. Sign up once and business manager(s) will contact with you.
IW offers resources that you can easily access, including video tutorials, presentations, and other course materials also online demonstrations and training to understand our services better after you sign up as a partner.

Become a Partner

Be a part of IW Patner program to help us expand your customer base and grow your income.

Salon / Clinic Name

Contact Person

"The key to success is staying on target"

Best service, Right time, Right people.

Always at your service from Monday to Sunday
10 am to 7:30 pm

Why to choose integrated Wellness?

  • Our services makes difference
  • Customer's satisfaction is above all
  • we use Safe & Secure Technologies
  • Understand your problems and treat accordingly
  • Pocket Friendly services
  • Regain youthful appearance.

What Our Clients Say

View our Customer feedback from their trip to our Spa.

I have been IW partners for a couple of months now and I think it's going great. I am still learning new things every day about different IW services. IW is far better and provide quality services to my client database, getting regular payouts helping me a lot in these hard times.


IW helped my Salon ran very effectively, process is very simple and straightforward. I know that I am geting additional revenue from IW add on services, I am showing I W services as a part of my own salon now. Keep up the good work IW

Shanker Lal

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