IW Academy

With the love and support of everyone, our family is growing daily. Today, Integrated Wellness is not only a name it becomes a bird that is spreading its wings in various fields. After achieving success in our progressing steps, we decide to move forward one step more. And, we have started our “Integrated Wellness Academy (IWA)”.

Wellness is about being at our best. And this is our aim to start an academy because we want you to be the best. We create our strategy with three core objectives:

1. Empower and educate individuals both personally and professionally.2. Activate and educate managers and leaders who can effectively integrate the principles of wellness into their workplace.3. Enables you to integrate effective and engaging strategies that support the wellness of the people and can achieve your goals.

IWA is providing a professional education on a vast range of courses including e-learning, grooming, hair styling & chemical treatments, salon management, basic & advanced skin processes & treatment, nail art, tattoo services, aesthetic services, laser services, dermal fillers services, diet services, and dental services.

We have the best experts in these fields in our team that will help you in understanding and learning your desired course. It will be a flexible learning approach course so you can access education and qualification at any time that is suitable for you.

We know the cost of a lack of wellness and so IWA was created to provide proactive training solutions to empower individuals and organizations to integrate wellness into their lives and workplaces.

Our personal and professional development programs can help you in high performances and getting optimum beneficial results.

One App for health and wellness eLearning
IW Academy is the most modern Learning system for
Diet | Slimming | Skin | Hair | Laser | Beauty | Make up | Grooming | Fitness | Dental | Spa |

IW Academy mobile app highlights

1. Course
Mobile first, blazing fast, real-time sync, work off-line without net, download course and play later,
Highlighting sessions, Units, Quizzes, Assignments & live Q&A discussion, forums, video, conferencing

2. Student App
Easy access to enrolled courses. Pursue courses, join meetings in TV.
Live tracking, timeline and rewards

3. Instructor App – Create courses, manage students, import questions and get reports, make curriculum, manage course.

4. Custom Features
All IWA courses in the App. Conferencing, Calendars.
Include sections, units, quizzes, assignments with Live Chat, Real Time Notifications

5. Multiple Instructors
Focussed attention by multiple instructors per student.

6. Industry Experts
Consultation and seminars by various Industry experts

7. Student Groups
Social Groups, Classes, batches for wholistic learning environment

8. Personalised Focus
Personalised course curriculum based on user progress.

IW Mobile app will give unlimited access to our courses.
Get instant access to over 50+ online courses.

IW Mobile app launching soon keep following for more details